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This site records the browser type to monitor market penetration of various web browsers so we can better determine the Internet technologies we may utilize in the design of our pages.
This site uses page referrer data - that is, information about the page that linked you to this page - to determine to what extent our page is referenced by other resources on the Web.
Such data is logged when you visit most any Internet web site as a basic function of the World Wide Web. On, the data is restricted to administrative viewing only.
A cookie is a small text file sent by a web server to a web browser to be read back from that browser. Cookies are a way to have the browser 'remember' specific bits of information. In other words, a cookie is a file on your hard drive that web sites use to store information about you and your preferences for the site.
Personal Information
This site does not request any personal information or collect any information that personally identifies you or allows you to be personally contacted to use the site.
Since we do not collect any personal information on this site, we do not share any personal information that you do share with us should you do so with any third parties nor do we use any personal information for any purposes beyond responding to your contact.
Should you contact with your email or phone it is used only to respond to you and is not shared.
Should you choose to contact with email, phone, radio, personally or any other way with threats, harassment's, stalking, illegal actions or material your information will be turned over to law enforcement.
Links to External Sites
This site contains links to other sites. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site,
you may contact via the About & Contact Page.
This weather station is on private property, Please respect this and contact before you visit the station.